One our Friends recently attended a Supervisors meeting where a County Planning staff member was presenting information. Before the start of the meeting, they approached the staff person to inquire about the RFEI progress. Originally, we were told that it was going to be sent out in November.
Turns out that the conditions assessment might be posted to the Engage Montco site by the end of the week (this meeting was on November 7th). I looked at that site and see that the last date for the development and issuance of the RFEI is December 13, 2024. I don't see anything titled "Conditions Assessment Report posted, but I do see the Final Survey Report posted. That is interesting reading
The RFEI includes a Phase 1 analysis, so there are mountains of technical data, plus a narrative of about 75 pages. Additionally, a resolution will be on the agenda to release the RFEI for public bidding/distribution for the December Commissioners meeting. That meeting is scheduled for December 19, 2024 at 10am on the 8th floor of One Montgomery Plaza. No agenda has been posted for the December meeting yet.
This is exciting news, as the issuance of this RFEI will hopefully attract a person or company that will take all of the information from the survey and the analysis and determine a new use for the prison. Let's all keep our fingers crossed!